How to Cancel an Order
- If the items haven’t shipped (usually within 12 hours after placing the order), check your order status and contact us at support@mollycatpalace.com for cancellation. We will cancel the order and issue a full refund.
- If the items have already been shipped, the order cannot be canceled. You may return the items after delivery by contacting support@mollycatpalace.com.
Note: All return shipping costs will be borne by the customer.
Order Status
Payment Completed:
After payment is processed, you’ll receive a confirmation email to the address you provided.
Item Shipped:
Once your order ships, we’ll send a shipping confirmation email. The tracking email may arrive separately, so be sure to check the email details.
No Emails:
If you don’t receive a tracking number or need to verify the tracking details, click “TRACK YOUR ORDER” at the top-right corner of our website or email support@mollycatpalace.com for assistance.
Was My Order Placed Successfully?
- You can check your order status by clicking “TRACK YOUR ORDER” on our website and entering your four-digit order number and either your email or phone number. You will see updates such as: Ordered, Order Ready, In Transit, Out for Delivery, and Delivered.
- You can also get more details by entering the tracking number for your shipment.
Reschedule Delivery:
We work with FedEx, UPS, and USPS to ensure a safe and fast shipping experience. To reschedule your delivery, please contact the respective carrier. If you encounter any issues, feel free to reach out to us for support.